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Hi, I'm Adnan AlYaari
Web Designer Web Developer Software Eng Graphical Designer Media Buyer |

Passionate, ambitious, excited to join a professional team in a professional company and work to grow up its efficiency according to my skills and experience

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About Me

Make Your Dreams Come true With Me

“Work is not just a daily routine, work is a passion”

I work with small and medium companies in all areas of technological infrastructure development, especially in the field of websites and ecommerce stores, as well as Digital marketing and marketing reputation infrastructure such as brands and visual identities, and work to upgrade them according to market standards to keep pace with the times and keep up with competitors in the labor market
A little about my beginnings: –
Since my beginnings, I do not see anything impossible. I am eager to know the beginnings of everything, to know the contents of anything, especially in the technological field. When I joined the university, I did not like to know half of things.

The things I’m good at
– Studying the customer’s vision and turning it into reality – I do not like to sleep and there is something I could not solve – I love research and reading before implementing any project, as work that is not based on studies and theories ends in failure or with an unanticipated result. – Study the level of competitors to know where I am before starting work .
Things I’m not good at:
– Working under an incomprehensible management to express and discuss opinions as one team.
– Football fanaticism or being obligated to follow a team

Education & Experience

Information Technology

  • windows application developer
  • web sites designer
  • UX/Ui designer 
  • Digital Marketing
  • graphical Designer


What I Provide

I provide many services independently or full time to provide a specific service

Desktop Application

Building integrated desktop software

Building programs and utilities to accomplish certain partial or integrated tasks

Study, analyse, plan, implement and test

Graphic Design

Designing visual identities and brands, developing solutions for them, and developing plans to implement and harness them in all of the company’s work

Designing visual identities and brands, developing solutions for them, and developing plans to implement and harness them in all of the company’s work

Web Developer

build websites and ecommerce from scratch  

build websites and ecommerce from scratch  with WordPress , Shopify , Magento , Salla , Zid , OpenCart


Providing comprehensive advice to companies and establishment

about the launch plan on the Internet and social media, and until finally developing plans for that

Expert Consultancy

Providing comprehensive advice to companies and establishment

about the launch plan on the Internet and social media, and until finally developing plans for that

Digital marketing

Create complete marketing plans on the Internet and social media.

Creating advertising campaigns according to precise marketing plans, analyzing the results and making adjustments to reach the desired goals

Google ads (all types on Youtube , Merchant , ads , console , Maps).

Ads campaigns on SnapChat , TikTok , Instagram , Facebook , Twitter


Develop strategies to improve rankings in search engines

Develop strategies to improve rankings in search engines

Software & Tools I'm Good At

Software's for Projects

Visual Studio

Software Development

Visual Code

Web development

Sql Server


Adobe Photoshop


Adobe illutrator


After Effects

Motion Graphics

Adobe XD

UI/UX Design


UI/UX Design


CMS Platform


Adobe CMS Platform


CMS Platform

Visual Code

Ecommerce platform

  • Idea List

    Add multiple feature items, set different icons or images for each feature and also give custom links if needed.

  • Key Features

    Choose your style from three different layouts and two unique icon background shapes.

  • Design

    Show a connector line between each icon, changes its color and style to fit your unique design.

  • Development

    Easily customize every aspect of your list from widget styles but also you can give custom colors to each item as well.

  • Marketing

    Easily customize every aspect of your list from widget styles but also you can give custom colors to each item as well.


My Skill

Kept in sent gave feel will oh it we. Has pleasure procured men laughing shutters nay. Old insipidity motionless continuing law shy partiality. Depending acuteness dependent eat use dejection. 

Understanding Brief
Design Process
His exquisite sincerity education shameless ten earnestly breakfast add. So we me unknown as improve hastily sitting forming. Especially favourable compliment but thoroughly unreserved saw she themselves. Sufficient impossible him may ten insensible put continuing.
Perceived end knowledge certainly day sweetness why cordially. Ask quick six seven offer see among. Handsome met debating sir dwelling age material. As style lived he worse dried. Offered related so visitor we private removed. Moderate do subjects to distance.
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UI/UX Design
0 %
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0 %
Mobile App
0 %

Graphical Design


Bed sincerity yet therefore forfeited his certainty neglected questions. Pursuit chamber as elderly amongst on. Distant however warrant farther.

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See My Pricing Packs

Windows App

SAR 159 99
All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks.
35 Revision
Big Team Support
Living valley had silent esteem
Perceived end knowledge certainly
Especially favourable compliment


SAR 1000
one time
All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks.
Unlimited Revision
Ultimate Team Support
Living valley had silent esteem
Perceived end knowledge certainly
Especially favourable compliment

Professional Design

$ 559 99
All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks.
Unlimited Revision
Ultimate Team Support
Living valley had silent esteem
Perceived end knowledge certainly
Especially favourable compliment

Custom Design

$ 359 99
All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks.
70 Revision
Special Team Support
Living valley had silent esteem
Perceived end knowledge certainly
Especially favourable compliment


What People Think
About Me

Contact Me

Let's Work Together, Get In Touch!

Always excited to meet your needs. Let’s chat. Let’s develop your business. We offer free consultations

01- Contact Phone

Office Phone: +966 501380967

02- Office Email

Email: [email protected]

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